Monday, 27 September 2010

Davina McCall - I don't know whether to love her or hate her?!

I've lost 1 pound this week, I don't really understand why I only lost that because I ate no differently to the previous 2 weeks but lost more. But hey, it's the way it goes and at least I lost something...and the slower it comes off, the more sensible.

So with just two weeks to go until the big dress fitting, I need to work harder than I've ever worked before! My tummy needs flattening, so after reading rave reviews about Davina's Super Body Workout DVD I thought I'd give it a go.

It landed on my doormat this morning. It has two 40 minute routines and there are four 50 minute routines which focus on different areas. One of them is Super Six Pack...after doing less than five minutes I decided it was just too hard and I should aim a little lower, so I went for the Super Abs workout instead and OMG did the workout hurt!!!!

You do a 40 minute cardio of the trainers does an easier routine for those just starting out but as I've been exercising for 10 weeks now I put my all into it and followed the more difficult routine. Sweat was dripping off me like never before and I was knackered by the end. For the last 10 minutes you do the abs workout.

Then being as there was a break in the rain, I decided to go for a run. When I got home I felt like I was back in the old days where I thought the workout was going to kill me. Maybe this is how it should always feel - then you know you've had a good workout.

So for the next two weeks I'll be doing Davina's workout everyday and I'll try to run everyday too. It's my last chance to ditch the pounds before the wedding.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Oooops! The dress is too big...

So I have a little over two weeks to go before my dress fitting...I decided to try my dress on to take a look, and it fell straight back down!!

I really hope the dress maker is able to do something with it. While I am chuffed that I have lost so much weight, I still wasn't happy with my tummy. It really needs toning and flattening a bit. I searched for a local hips, bums and tums class but only find morning ones so I looked for a fitness DVD. I came across Davina McCall's Body Sculpt which has great it's ordered and I'm just waiting for it to arrive, hope it comes soon.

Only 14 pounds to go :)

Friday, 17 September 2010

Happy Happy Happy :)

I really need to tone up my tummy and hips as this is where I carry alot of I've been scanning the internet for tips and advice and I came across this information:

Exercise does several things:

  • When you exercise you burn calories which helps you lose weight

  • When you build muscles you increase your metabolism, which means you use energy quicker and burn more fat

  • Exercise helps you feel good about yourself, your self esteem increases

  • Exercise helps you sleep better which means you desire less comfort snacks and keep calories down

Now, the first two points are a given. But the second two really are true! No matter how much it hurts when you first start, it really does make you feel happy.

I feel like I'm smiling all of the time and very excited...I have a spring in my step and continually want to dance and run around. And I definately have more confidence. I know I still have another 18 pounds to lose but in time it will happen and I've achieved so much already I have an reason to feel happy and excited.

And I've always loved my bed a little too much but I when I go for a run in the evenings I physically tire myself out and I definately get a better nights sleep!

And while I still wouldn't be seen dead in a bikini, I feel a huge sense of achievement and I know I still have enough time! By the time I get to Australia I will have a toned tummy and there won't be an inch of fat on it. I'll happily walk along the beach without wanting to dig a hole and hide in it.

When you feel this happy and excited it makes you want to keep's all worth it!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Motivation Bites Back!

Well it's the start of week 9 and I've lost 2 pounds which I'm really pleased about - only another 18 pounds to go. And I feel so happy and excited!

As I mentioned in my last post, I've booked my dress fitting and now, my second hen party is booked for the 15 October so there is plenty to be excited about! I had my first hen party in June because I wanted to go to the races and although I vowed to lose weight in the weeks running up to it, I only lost 4 pounds, so now I know I am lots slimmer and there is still time to lose at least another 10 pounds! I'm on the search for a pretty amazing dress to show off my new figure. And it won't be one that covers me, it will be one that I feel amazing in because I have a lot to be proud of!

But, the real reason I feel excited, and the real reason I have all the motivation in the world again is that my old jeans - well I say old, they've hardly been worn - haven't fitted me for a couple of years, and you know when you keep old clothes cus you think I will slim back into them but you never do....well I HAVE! I tried a couple of my favourite too small jeans yesterday, because the ones I've been wearing a way too big, and they just slid right on, the button fastened with no problem and I have no muffin top. I was ecstatic!

You don't necessarily notice the weight coming off yourself, but when you get back into old clothes, you know you're doing well. I tried a pair of Miss Sixty jeans from six years ago, I think I was being a little too adventurous but I did manage to pull them up my when I get into them, I know I've hit my target! Boy I can't wait to wear them again!

Now where are my running shoes?!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Keep the motivation going...

Well after having a bad week last week, I'm pleased to say that my weight stayed the same. It was such a relief, but I'm still struggling to keep the momentum. I've been for a run for the past three days and I've done the Wii today but I've really not wanted to and it's been difficult to keep going.
The reason I started writing the blog was to keep a recording of my feelings so I could look back over them and it's working...reading back to when I ran up Lime Kiln Bank for first reminds me of my elation and emotions.
Today I've managed to run up 70% of the bank but I haven't had the same feelings because at the moment I'm not enjoying running. My right thigh is really hurting me and it's taking my all to keep going. I just can't be bothered and I'm worried about slipping back into no exercise, bad eating habits and enjoying chocolate too much!
I can't do that, people are commenting and asking if I've lost weight and although I can't see it myself, I can't put it back on! I still look at myself in the mirror and think errrrrrgggggg. I think if I can lose 6 pounds in the next 3 weeks it'll really help because then I only have a stone to go.

So, I need something to get me fired up again...something to get me moving and energised! With that in mind, and the fact that I'm leaving it a bit too last minute, I booked an appointment with the dress fitter today. I've been trying to hold off with losing weight but I figured if I make an appointment I have something to work to. It's booked for 10 October so I have 4 and a half weeks to work my ass off and eat as healthy as possible.

With this in mind, I've done a 30 minute Wii workout, a 30 minute run (burning more calories than ever) and a 60 minute Zumba class, and do you know what...I actually feel better and more energised! I'm smiling again and know I can do it.

I've managed to resist that Terry's Chocolate Orange that's been screaming at me every time I open the fridge door!

I WILL be nice and slim when I walk down the isle and I WILL be wearing a bikini and feeling confident when I'm lying on the beach in Australia!


Sunday, 5 September 2010

I've had a bad week!

Well it's not been a good week for me! I'm really not looking forward to stepping on the scales in the morning.

The walk in Dovedale last week seems like it was ages ago but on the same token the working week went nice and quick. Because I was working in Birmingham all week I didn't really do as much exercise should have. Thursday was the first run I'd done in a week and I found it quite difficult. Today I went on the first bike ride in two was tough.

I feel like I'd built up a bit of stamina but I'm back to square one again. I haven't even done my Wii game in over a week.

And I haven't eaten too well either. Last night I had a chinese take away and a bag of crisps, today I had 4 chocolate biscuits and a bag of crisps.

After I'd eaten the chinese take away last night I felt really down and disappointed. I hated myself for doing so well and then ruining it with a chinese takeaway that I didn't even enjoy.

I went for a bike ride and a run today to try and make up for the chinese and biscuits but I feel I've truly let myself down. Although after the exercise today I really did feel better and a bit happier again. I have eight weeks to go until the wedding so I really don't have time to be messing up.

So tomorrow I am going to be back on it with a bang! Running in a morning before work, Wii personal trainer everyday with Zumba and a couple of bike rides thrown in!! Healthy eating and an aim to losing 3 pounds next week to take me to a 14 pounds loss.

I can do it! I need to just keep saying bikini bikini bikini!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Zumba Exercise Class - Stoke on Trent


It's important to keep your exercise fun and fresh so it doesn't get mundane and boring.

So tonight....I went to a Zumba class with my best friend!

It was so much fun and I'm feeling it already.

I've heard it's very good for weight loss so we went along to give it a go. We were quite nervous and when we arrived the ladies were queuing out the door which made us feel even more apprehensive.

Once we got inside, it was a mixed bag with ladies in all shapes, ages and sizes. We soon relaxed and although we got lost it a few times we really enjoyed it and will definitely go back next week.

It's very fast paced and is a mix of Latin dancing with aerobic exercise. It works every muscle in your body and I know I'm going to be aching tomorrow.

A one hour Zumba class burns between 500 and 800 calories - can't argue with that and most importantly it's fun! I'm looking forward to learning the steps properly so I can get the most out of it. And never has an hour's exercise gone by so quickly!